Hanwei overseas land security services includeproviding integrated security resolutions to large central enterprises,state-owned enterprises and listed companies, site security preventionmanagement and other types of static security services, offshore oil drillingplatform guarding service, Commodity transportation and escort service and PSDsecurity service. We have conseuquently set subsidiaries and offices in Laos,Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, South Africa, Papua New Guinea and otherstates, so we can provide all directional security services to the Chineseenterprises in the hosting countries.
Address:Room 301. Building A, Huanyu Business Center, Binjiang District,Hangzhou,Zhengjiang P.C:310000 Tel:0086(571)-87393697 Fax:0086(571)-28225507 E-mail:hanwei@hanweiss.com
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